Actors: Kenneth Choi

Suicide Squad

Sikkerhedschefen Amanda Waller står med et voldsomt problem, da et ondskabsfuldt væsen truer. Derfor har hun kun et valg: At samle verdens mest frygtede superskurke, armere dem med militærets vildeste våben og sende dem efter fjenden. Men planen er naturligvis forbundet med stor risiko.

3. juni 2017

Red Dawn

A city in Washington state awakens to the surreal sight of foreign paratroopers dropping from the sky – shockingly, the U.S. has been invaded and their hometown is the initial target. Quickly and without warning, the citizens find themselves prisoners and their town under enemy occupation. Determined to fight back, a group of young patriots seek refuge in the surrounding woods, training and reorganizing themselves into a guerrilla group of fighters. Taking inspiration from their […]

24. april 2017