Actors: Liev Schreiber

X-men Origins: Wolverine

James Logan har lagt livet som Wolverine bag sig og lever et stille liv i Canada. Efter seks år forsøger hans tidligere chef Willliam Stryker at få ham tilbage i tjenesten. Først da Logans bror Creed dræber hans kæreste, vælger Logan igen at blive en del af mutant-slænget for at kunne få hævn. Snart erfarer han, at Stryker har holdt flere ting skjult, blandt andet detaljer om Logans afdøde kærestes identitet.

30. november 2017

The Manchurian Candidate

When his army unit was ambushed during the first Gulf War, Sergeant Raymond Shaw saved his fellow soldiers just as his commanding officer, then-Captain Ben Marco, was knocked unconscious. Brokering the incident for political capital, Shaw eventually becomes a vice-presidential nominee, while Marco is haunted by dreams of what happened — or didn’t happen — in Kuwait. As Marco (now a Major) investigates, the story begins to unravel, to the point where he questions if […]

24. april 2017