Actors: Katie Holmes

Logan Lucky

Da den uheldige minearbejder Jimmy Logan mister sit job, beslutter han, broderen Clyde og søsteren Mellie at røve en racerbane i North Carolina. De bliver dog nødt til at gennemføre røveriet midt under det populære og travle NASCAR-løb. Derfor må de bryde sprængstofeksperten Joe Bang ud af fængslet for at kunne gennemføre kuppet.

12. juni 2018

The Son of No One

A rookie cop is assigned to the 118 Precinct in the same district where he grew up. The Precinct Captain starts receiving letters about two unsolved murders that happened many years ago in the housing projects when the rookie cop was just a kid. These letters bring back bad memories and old secrets that begin to threaten his career and break up his family.

8. maj 2017